Quotation Builder

Send Quotes Online

Create polished, professional quotes in minutes


send quote online

Use templates to create polished, professional quotes in minutes. Send these quotes by email and let your customer sign online. Use cross-selling and discounts to push and boost your sales.


Electronic Signature

No more fax or scans in emails


Odoo's professional app lets your customers sign proposals online. Use up-selling techniques to propose them some options.

This advanced feature can help you to minimize the time and the effort put into online sales and attract new customers.

Spend the extra time focusing on selling, not recording data.

electronic signature


Communicate Efficiently


communicate efficiently

Everything you need to know can be found in one place. Send offers with clear pricing to your customers and let them accept it, reject it or ask for more information.

You can directly communicate with the customer through the messaging software and see the whole history of the conversation in the quotation.

The "Options" feature can help you to boost your sales by suggesting similar products to your customer.